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Commercial Rent Deferral Agreement

As businesses face economic uncertainty due to the ongoing global pandemic, many are struggling to keep up with their financial obligations. One of the biggest expenses for any business is rent, and as a result, many landlords are offering commercial rent deferral agreements to help their tenants weather the storm. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what a commercial rent deferral agreement is and how it can benefit both landlords and tenants.

What is a commercial rent deferral agreement?

A commercial rent deferral agreement is a legal contract between a landlord and tenant that allows the tenant to defer rental payments for a specified period of time. This means that the tenant will not have to make rent payments immediately, but instead they will be deferred and paid at a later date. The terms of a commercial rent deferral agreement can vary depending on a number of factors, including the length of the deferral period and any interest or penalties that may be assessed.

Why are landlords offering commercial rent deferral agreements?

Many landlords are offering commercial rent deferral agreements because they understand the challenges that their tenants are facing due to the pandemic. By offering rent relief, they are helping to ensure the long-term viability of their tenants, which ultimately benefits both parties. In addition, offering rent deferrals can help landlords avoid the costs associated with tenant turnover, such as advertising, showing the space, and potential renovation or repair costs.

How do commercial rent deferral agreements work?

A commercial rent deferral agreement will typically outline the terms of the deferral period, including the start and end dates, the amount of rent that will be deferred, and any interest or penalties that may be assessed. The agreement may also include provisions for how the deferred rent will be paid back, such as in monthly installments or lump sum payments at the end of the deferral period.

What are the benefits of a commercial rent deferral agreement for tenants?

The primary benefit of a commercial rent deferral agreement for tenants is that it provides them with some breathing room in terms of their financial obligations. By deferring rent payments, tenants can focus on keeping their business afloat during a challenging period, without having to worry about coming up with the money to pay rent. In addition, commercial rent deferral agreements can help to preserve relationships between tenants and landlords, which can be valuable in the long term.

What are the benefits of a commercial rent deferral agreement for landlords?

For landlords, the main benefit of a commercial rent deferral agreement is that it helps to mitigate the risk of tenants defaulting on rent payments or vacating the space altogether. By offering rent relief, landlords are able to retain tenants and avoid the costs associated with finding new ones. In addition, commercial rent deferral agreements can help to improve landlord-tenant relationships, which can lead to more positive interactions in the future.


As the pandemic continues to impact businesses across the country, commercial rent deferral agreements are becoming an increasingly popular way for landlords to help their tenants weather the storm. By deferring rent payments, tenants are given some much-needed financial relief, while landlords are able to avoid the costs associated with turnover. While there are certain risks involved with commercial rent deferral agreements, both tenants and landlords can benefit from this form of rent relief when the terms are clearly outlined and agreed upon.